Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Little Man...

Sometimes I feel like Joey gets "lost in the mix" being that he has 3 sisters, so this post is just all about him!! Here's a little bit about my little man....
  • Weighed 3 pounds 6 ounces at birth, the largest of the three. He still is the biggest although Riley is right behind him!
  • In the NICU he just cruised right through, never having any issues. The nurses always said that typically "preemie white boys" don't do so well and are not that strong but he proved them wrong!
  • He is my Mr. Mellow. He is so laid-back and has a "go with the flow" attitude. When he cries it is because he is either hungry or needs his diaper changed. Otherwise he is content watching his Baby Einstein DVD's, playing with his toys or relaxing in his swing.
  • SUPER patient and because of that he is usually the last one to be fed, or the last one to have a bath!
  • He loves to study his hands. He will stare at them, opening and closing to make a fist.
  • He likes to scratch his head, like a little monkey.
  • He loves to smile and laugh, hold his sisters' hands when laying next to them and is just all around a good baby.
  • Joey is my breath of fresh air. If I am ever feeling stressed or overwhelmed I just have to spend a few minutes with him and his calm smile makes me relax! Here are a few pictures of Joey from birth to now. Hope you enjoy!

Yes, that is Lindsay's Bumbo seat when she was little and she still likes to sit in it when any of the others sit in theirs. I even caught her giving Joey a lick of her lollipop that day!

He is ready to go golfing with dad!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

You're never too big!

I had forgotten that we had this swing in the attic from when Lindsay was a baby and since we can always use another swing around here I brought it out yesterday. Of course, just like every "new" thing I bring out for the babies, Lindsay has to sit in it and claim it as hers. Well at least it still does its job!!

Here is Lindsay when she was 10 months old in the swing...
And here she is at 2 1/2 years old in the same swing! She sat in it to watch t.v. and fell asleep!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

I finally have a few moments to put up some recent pictures of the kids. The triplets will be 6 months next week!! Everyone is doing well, just busy, busy, busy!!!
In this picture from left to right: Riley, Joey, Lindsay, Kayla
Joey, Kayla, Riley
Crazy Kayla!
I love her eyes!

Smiley Riley as we call her! :)
And we can't forget about Lindsay! She is doing great with the babies. She can recognize who is crying from the other room, sometimes better than Brian or I. She loves to read them stories, sing them songs, and just make them laugh! Oh, and she also likes to sit in their seats...which most of them used to be hers when she was little!
I hope everyone is doing well....I will try to get on later and write more but for now I hope you enjoy the pictures!!!