Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We kinda know what we are having....

I went to the doctor today for my check-up and everything looks really good. All 3 babies are growing how they should be. The doctor was able to tell me that the first baby is definitely a.....BOY!! For the second baby the doctor was pretty sure it was also a BOY but not 100% sure. And for the third baby....the umbilical cord was between its legs (of course) but the doctor thinks it is possibly a GIRL!! We are so excited but it is not 100% yet. I have another appointment in 2 weeks so we will see if anything changes!!


Sarah said...

Yeah!!! Let us know more as soon as you know. THey are all looking good??

Freeman Family said...

Jen, I am so excited for you guys! reading your blogs is actually making me want to have another baby, don't tell nate though. Take it easy. It is hard to be pregnant and have a toddler running around.

Teagan said...

Thanks for your comment (help) on the stroller issue:)
Your new name should be "Wonder Woman"!! I have had some mental break downs just thinking of having two soon... You are going to be AWESOME! Can't wait to hear "for sure" the sex of the other 2 babies!