Sunday, April 1, 2007

I give up!

Its official...once you have children going out with you friends is not like what it used to be, no matter how hard you try.
Example #1: A couple weeks ago, Jessica (who has two boys) and I decided to go out on a Friday night just the two of us. Our original plan was to go to the Irvine Spectrum, eat dinner and go to a movie. We get to the Spectrum, get some dinner and sit there talking for awhile. While we are there two older men approach us, older as in they can be my dad, and start annoyingly talking to Jess and I. They tell me I look like Helen Hunt!?! As many attempts as we make to mention our kids and husbands at home, while also flashing our wedding rings at them, they do not get the hint until 20 agonizing minutes later. So by now its 9 o'clock and we are tired and don't feel like seeing a movie. So we walk around the Spectrum and end up buying clothes for the kids. We are back home by 10 o'clock. Pathetic for two 27 year olds on a Friday night!!!

Example #2: Last night a bunch of us went out to "celebrate" Jessica going back to work tomorrow after being off the past 6 months. We get to the restaurant around 8, eat dinner and then we are supposed to go somewhere else for some drink and hang out but we end up at Brian's friends house to decide where we want to go. Everyone is hanging out and talking. What do Jess and I do?? We go on the guys computer and look at people's myspace pages for a half an hour. Then it is 10:30 and we are tired so we all go home! Such an exciting night!! :)


Julie Hibbard said...

Once your kids are a little older you'll want to go out again. I remember those days when all I wanted to do was sleep when i was not with them!
hang in there!!!

Sarah said...

I feel your pain. Even when grandma watches Bridger, we still have to be home so she can leave at a decent time, or so we don't have to pick Bridger up at midnight!

jess and josh said...

Hey....Don't tell people what losers we are!!! You are blowing my cover!