Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back to school = Back to work

School started Tuesday so I am back to work. I can't complain though because luckily all of my sickness happened during the summer when I didn't have to work. What is funny is that my students wouldn't ask if I am pregnant, they just stared at my obviously huge stomach and whispered so I had to announce to every class that "Yes, I am pregnant." And then they would started asking all the questions. My favorite line a boy asked me was, "Is it like a mosh pit in there?". He was so sincere about it too and concerned for me. I told him there isn't any head banging yet or elbows bulging out of my stomach but that I would let him know when it begins. Gotta love those high school kids!!!

1 comment:

Matt Jensen said...

ha. that's pretty funny.