Saturday, September 29, 2007

Down for the count!!!

So I have a lot to update you all on. I went to the doctor's on Thursday for my every two week checkup and some things had changed. So much so that the doctor told me I could not go back to work that day and that I am now on complete bedrest. The length of my cervix changed from 4.9 cm to 2.7 cm which is not a good sign. Also where my cervix and unterus meet, there is now a funnel shape instead of being flat which is also not a good sign. Its nothing too alarming yet but he wants me off my feet because any pressure will make it worse. I am going in again Monday to see if there is any change and if things have gotten worse they are going to put a stich in my cervix to stop it from opening anymore. The doctor might put me in the hospital on bedrest too, it just all depends on how fast it progresses. The good news is that the babies are doing great. They are all the right size, in fact the boy is measuring a week ahead which is great. That leads me to another new piece of information...there is now two girls and one boy. I guess the 2nd boy was never really confirmed but now all three sexes are confirmed, the girls won.
So I will keep you posted as anything changes. Right now I am just trying to lay flat so hopefully things wont change come Monday.


Julie Hibbard said...

thinking of you, Jen...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. One day at at time...slow and steady.
Nothing but positive thoughts on the way to you!

Sarah said...

I hope that all goes well. I wish I lived near you so I could help out. Our little ones would have a great time playing while you're down. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Freeman Family said...

Jen, please take it easy! I think about you all the time! Wow, two girls and a boy, that is exactly what our family friend had when she had triplets! They are 6 now, so cute! Listen to your doctors, if they tell you to stay off your feet, do it! I know it is hard especially with a toddler, but Just relax in bed! easier said then done I know!