Friday, October 26, 2007

I have got a few pumpkins in here.....

Since I know you all like to see the belly pictures I thought I would humble myself and post these for your viewing pleasure. Let me first say that I have no make-up on, contacts are out - glasses on, and my roots are in desperate need of a touch-up. Oh, also I am proud to say those are veins on my stomach not stretch marks (at least not yet haha). These pictures were taken Wednesday when I hit 24 weeks. I got my steroid shot Wed and Thurs. however I had some strong contractions and irritability Wed. night due to the shot, which is common. However it did scare me and they were talking about having to put in an IV and give me stronger medicine to control it because nothing else was working. However thankfully things calmed down before that measure needed to be taken. And since then things have been calm and good. So since all that happened my doctor didn't want to stir things up anymore by doing a check so tomorrow he is supposed to do a cervical length check and a full ultrasound to see how big the babies are now. I'll keep you posted. :)


jess and josh said...

you look HOT!!!!!

Sarah said...

Wow...I'm impressed! That's one great belly!!