Monday, October 15, 2007

Things are looking good!

It has now been two weeks since I have been in the hospital and I am doing really well. God definitely hears our prayers! I had another check-up yesterday and again my doctor was happy with what he saw. My cervical length hasn't changed since last week. The babies also looked good, have plenty of fluid, and are moving like crazy now. I have also not had any extra medicine to control contractions since last Wednesday. My doctor is even talking about me possibly going home on bed rest once I reach 24 weeks (which is a week from Wed.) as long as everything stays looking good. Lindsay is doing well, she spent last week at my parents house and then this week she will be back home with Brian. Oh, Julie you will be so proud of me, I am staying on top of all the baseball games. :) I don't have a favorite team yet, I suppose I should choose one soon!
Here's Lindsay with my dad and her cousin Mark.
Lindsay loves playing with my dad, who she calls Papa.
My mom said one morning she walked around the house with this blanket on her head! :)


jess and josh said...

Isn't Mark Lindsay's COUSIN? Can you post my pictures now? I'm a bad mommy/blogger! Maybe it's all the crab cakes that are helping the babies!

Jen Panunzio said...

yes, they are cousins, I changed it. haha I will post your pictures but they of course are going to come out so tiny. Oh well

Freeman Family said...

So glad things are going good! What hospital are you at! Email me the info so I can call you!-Amy

Julie Hibbard said...

Oh I AM so proud of you! Baseball is a GREAT game! You'll have to name your babies Manny and Coco and be sure they wear red socks!
I am sooo thinking of you. Lindsay looks like she's having lots of fun with her cousins and grandparents!
Hang in there!!