Monday, January 15, 2007

I was so annoyed....

Today I took Lindsay to get her pictures taken for the 2nd time. The first time was in October for her 1 year and she would not crack a smile. We got some cute pictures but she was Miss Serious in all of them. So I thought since she is a couple months older, more animated, talkative (well, not saying actual words but baby talk) I thought maybe, just maybe, she would take some great pictures, smiling and showing off her 4 teeth. I was wrong! As soon as she sat down for the picture, Miss Serious took over. But everytime I picked her up so they could change the props, she laughed and smiled until I sat her back down. AND to make matters worse, and more frustrating, the girl taking the pictures was soooo annoying! The girl was pretending to sneeze, exaggerating the sneezes beyond belief and Lindsay just looked at her like she was some kind of freak. You would think that after the 20th sneeze and Lindsay not laughing the girl would try something else but no, sadly she didn't. So here are the pictures for your viewing pleasure. Sorry the pictures are so small, if I make them bigger they get blurry. Yes, I know Valentine's Day is a month away but I had the day off and thought it wouldn't be as crowded. I think way too ahead, I know.


Allison said...

the one with the heart and the tiny fountain ponytail is cute...I would have been annoyed with the fake-sneezer too.

Sarah said...

Sometime the best pictures come when you think nothing will work out. I think you have some cute ones there! Is is only her second photo shoot ever? Bridger is 16 months old and has been to the photographer six times!

Julie Hibbard said...

The pictures are just a way for you to tell the funny story. You will be telling the "fake sneezer" story at her high school graduation party! She's beautiful and Valentine's Day is less than a month away, so it's not too early!
Way to go posting all those photos! You are a master blogger now!

jess and josh said...

I think they are cute....she is smiling in a few. It's probably because I wasn't there!!